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Sex Birth Trauma with Kimberly Ann Johnson

Apr 25, 2019

What Kendra Shares:

  •      Her realization that there is no mythical ‘daddy’ figure that she missed out on
  •      The parts of single parenting that work really well for her
  •      The parts of her pregnancies that brought forward wisdom

What You’ll Hear:

  •      Allowing the relationships in your life to be what they...

Apr 18, 2019

What She Shares:

  •      The history of women and psychiatry
  •      How some medical research data is currently being safely collected on pregnant women
  •      Her intention for her new book to be a preventative guidebook to reduce postpartum depression
  •      How her new podcast is intended for maternal health...

Apr 9, 2019

Rachelle Garcia Seliga, founder of Innate Traditions,, shares:

  • What is ancestral grief and how is it showing up postpartum
  • Defining and finding community support as if your life depends on it, because it does
  • How she found her life partner
  • New forms, new paradigms, and...