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Sex Birth Trauma with Kimberly Ann Johnson

Dec 13, 2020

What Clelia Shares:

  • Her journey with money coming from generational wealth
  • Accepted gender roles within her community and her work with Mama Gena and Barbara Stanny 
  • Turning point in her journey about her role as a woman came with having an abortion
  • How she came to terms with money, wanting to enter the “marble hall...

Dec 4, 2020


Kate White is an advanced bodyworker, perinatal educator, and somatic trauma resolution professional. She developed much of her work following the pregnancies and births of her own two children. She is the Founding Director of Education for the Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and helps administer an...

Nov 27, 2020

James Nestor, author of “Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art” joins me to speak on all the ways facial structure, nutrition, eating habits, and industrialization have impacted humans’ ability to breathe, why it matters, and ways we can get back to the basics.

What James Shares: 

  • Details of his years-long...

Nov 23, 2020

What You'll Hear: 

  • Definitions of sex + gender +intersex
  • Sex is a functional category defined by the gametes you reproduce. Males produce sperm; females produce eggs.
  • Sex is binary
  • Gender is the social and cultural attributes and rules based on their sex
  • Intersex is a mismatch between phenotype and genotype, or when...

Oct 4, 2020

What Dwight Shares:

  • Is this the worst, most contentious election in history?
  • What should we do with our emotions during this time?
  • Why is he spending his retirement working as a Mayor of a small town?
  • How to decide where to donate, where to give money or time
  • The historical role of the Supreme Court?


What You Will...