Sep 26, 2019
Jennifer Lang recently published an open letter as an OB-GYN who supports women who seek alternative, holistic, and awakened care. She has authored two books, “Consent: The New Rules for Sex Education” and “The Whole 9 Months: A Week-by-week Pregnancy Nutrition Guide.” Jennifer Today she speaks on her journey from ‘surgical cowboy’ to an advocate for bodily autonomy, discovering embodiment through birth, empowering low income communities to screen for and treat cervical cancer, and supporting women in building personal agency within a medical system.
Bio: Jennifer Lang is a gynecological oncologist, the author of two books, the mother of three children, and a passionate force for women’s health and wellbeing. She has served women in a hospital setting, founded a non-profit to reduce cervical cancer rates, and is creating a tech start-up to assist young people in recognizing when they are too incapacitated to consent.
“We don’t have to turn over our bodily autonomy every time we walk into a doctor’s office and get up on an exam table. In fact, we should not, ever.”
“We have to remember that doctors are just people, with all their perversions, fallacies, all of it. They’re just people. We can never just put our bodies and our lives, blindly and unquestioningly, into someone else’s hands.”
Resources: and @drjenniferlang on IG
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