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Sex Birth Trauma with Kimberly Ann Johnson

Oct 30, 2017

This interview is not about offering answers, a strategy or a plan but more how to navigate deep change by embracing the unknown, dancing with mystery and meeting one-self in a tender transparent integrity every step of the way. 

At the beginning of 2017, Jessica's business and marriage were falling apart, she was...

Oct 24, 2017

This podcast we discuss attachment theory and the nervous system. We talk about navigating relationships as new moms and as partners, co-dependence vs. interdependence and how mom, partner and baby’s needs can all be met allowing everyone’s cup to be full.


In this episode Ellen shares:

  • How attachment affects our...

Oct 10, 2017

Jennifer Laurin is the creator and founder of Shunya Gates Temple and a Certified Tantra Counselor. A yoga practitioner and meditator, she is at work on a book entitled Unconditional Family, based on her own experience of maintaining family while dissolving marriage.

In this episode, Jennifer shares:

  • What Tantra is
  • Why...

Oct 6, 2017

Tema Mercado is a Xicana mother of five children, wife and licensed midwife. I asked her to be on the Magamama podcast because I have had the privilege of watching her practice midwifery. I wanted to ask her about her dual practice in Tijuana and San Diego, to hear about how the birth center project in Tijuana is going,...

Oct 2, 2017

In this episode, Juna and Kimberly talk about intuition. What exactly is intuition? How do you tap into it? What is its role in therapy? As a practitioner, how do you capitalize on your intuition, and also develop accurate discernment? Juna shares some of her gems and insights from her upcoming book, A Good...